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Taskurai Setup

In this getting started guide, you will learn how to set up your Taskurai environment, create and deploy your first worker, and create and follow up on tasks.

Setting up your Cloud environment

Managed Deployment

Taskurai can be deployed in your own subscription of choice as a Managed Application, fully managed by Taskurai. Updates and patches are automatically applied to the installed resources in your subscriptions.


To proceed with the Taskurai setup, you will need the following:

  • An active Azure account with an active subscription. If you don't have one, you can create an account.
  • Azure CLI
  • Ensure that the required Resource Providers are registered.

Overview of required Resource Providers

  • Microsoft.App
  • Microsoft.Authorization
  • Microsoft.CustomProviders
  • Microsoft.DocumentDB
  • Microsoft.Insights
  • Microsoft.KeyVault
  • Microsoft.Network
  • Microsoft.OperationalInsights
  • Microsoft.Resources
  • Microsoft.Solutions
  • Microsoft.Storage
  • Microsoft.Web

To register the required resource providers, run the following steps using Azure CLI:

  1. Sign in to Azure
az login
  1. If you have more than one subscription, set the active subscription:
az account set --subscription XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX
  1. To see a list of installed resource providers, run the az provider list command:
az provider list --query "sort_by([?registrationState=='Registered'].{Provider:namespace, Status:registrationState}, &Provider)" --out table
  1. Run the az provider register command for each missing resource provider:
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.App

Creating a Taskurai instance

To start using Taskurai for the first time, follow these steps:

  1. Install a Taskurai instance:
  2. Create a new resource group, e.g.: rg-taskurai
  3. Select the region where the Taskurai resource should be deployed, e.g.: West Europe
  4. Choose a managed application name, e.g.: TaskuraiSample
  5. Confirm settings and create the Taskurai resource.

An installation of Taskurai takes an average of 15 to 30 minutes. While waiting, you can continue setting up your development environment.

Setting up your development environment

Before creating a solution file, let's set up your development environment.

Install Taskurai CLI

To install the Taskurai CLI on macOS, you can choose between homebrew or dotnet tool installation. A direct download is available as alternative option.

  • Install using homebrew:
brew install taskurai/tap/taskurai

Homebrew is used for installing and updating taskurai packages.

  • Install using dotnet tool installation:
dotnet tool install -g Taskurai.CLI

.NET 8.0 SDK is required to run dotnet tool.

More installation options



Install language runtime

Install .NET 8.0 SDK

Configure Taskurai access to Azure

Taskurai requires Cloud credentials to manage Taskurai resources.

For local development, it is recommended to install the Azure CLI.

To login to your account use:

az login

If you have access to multiple subscriptions, use the az account set command to switch the active subscription.

Activating a Trial or BYOL Subscription


Please make sure you have installed an instance of Taskurai using the BYOL plan.

First collect the required information about the installed Taskurai instance:

  1. In the Azure Portal, locate the installed Taskurai instance;
  2. Open the Properties panel;
  3. Copy the Application Id and the Managed Resource Group Id;
  4. Navigate to Request Trial and enter the information and your company details.
  5. Taskurai will check the provided information and activate your Taskurai instance.