📄️ Taskurai Setup
In this getting started guide, you will learn how to set up your Taskurai environment, create and deploy your first worker, and create and follow up on tasks.
📄️ Create a solution
For easy setup and maintenance of a Taskurai resource, a solution file is created. This file can be maintained in source control and can be reapplied to update an existing resource or setup new resources.
📄️ Deploying a sample worker
In this step, a sample worker container is used.
📄️ Creating an access token
To interact with the Taskurai API, you need to create a personal access token (PAT).
📄️ Setup sample application
In this step, you'll create a small console program to create and interact with some tasks.
📄️ Working with tasks
In this step, we will extend the console application created in the previous step.
📄️ Cleaning up resources
In this step, we will remove the previously created sample worker.
📄️ Congratulations!
You have just learned the basics of Taskurai.