Worker configuration
This section explains the in-depth configuration of workers.
Updating the configuration of a worker in Taskurai will trigger the start of new instances of your container and stopping of old instances.
Each running container will receive a terminate signal (see CancellationToken in the command) to shut down gracefully.
Worker deployment configuration
A worker is deployed using a configuration section in the solution yaml.
Reference worker configuration
This is a reference worker configuration sample:
imageName: taskurai-worker-sample
resourceAllocation: Cpu_0_25_Memory_0_5Gi
userName: containertokenfortaskuraipaying
passwordSecretReference: containerregistrypassword
scaleOutTaskCount: 100
minInstances: 0
maxInstances: 2
- name: containerregistrypassword
secretReference: containerregistrypassword
- name: EnviromentValue
value: test123
- testAction
- testAction2
cleanupCompletedTasksAfterSeconds: 2592000
Worker configuration
Property | Type | Required | Description |
name | string | No | Override worker name (default: worker key) |
container | Container | Yes | Container configuration |
scaling | Scaling | Yes | Scaling configuration |
secrets | List of secrets | No | List of secrets |
environment | List of environment variables | No | List of environment variables |
commands | List of commands (string) | No | List of commands |
cleanupCompletedTasksAfterSeconds | integer | No | Cleanup completed tasks after x seconds |
Container image configuration
Property | Type | Required | Description |
imageName | string | Yes | Container image name |
image | string | Yes | Container image |
server | string | No | The container registry server |
userName | string | No | Container Registry Username |
passwordSecretReference | string | No | A secret should be made within the worker and referenced here |
Taskurai supports:
- Any Linux-based x86-64 (linux/amd64) container image
- Containers from any public or private container registry
Features include:
- There's no required base container image.
- If a container crashes, it automatically restarts.
When using a container image from a private container registry, the following settings are required:
When you want to put a new container in usage, you need to:
- Update the image when the tag has changed.
- Deploy the worker again.
Worker size configuration
Each worker can be configured to a size as needed. The following settings are supported:
Worker size | Description |
Cpu_0_25_Memory_0_5Gi | 0.25 vCPU cores / 0.5Gi Memory |
Cpu_0_50_Memory_1_0Gi | 0.5 vCPU cores / 1Gi Memory |
Cpu_0_75_Memory_1_5Gi | 0.75 vCPU cores / 1.5Gi Memory |
Cpu_1_00_Memory_2_0Gi | 1 vCPU core / 2Gi Memory |
Cpu_1_25_Memory_2_5Gi | 1.25 vCPU cores / 2.5Gi Memory |
Cpu_1_50_Memory_3_0Gi | 1.5 vCPU cores / 3Gi Memory |
Cpu_1_75_Memory_3_5Gi | 1.75 vCPU cores / 3.5Gi Memory |
Cpu_2_00_Memory_4_0Gi | 2 vCPU cores / 4Gi Memory |
Scaling configuration
Taskurai manages automatic horizontal scaling of workers, depending on the number of tasks waiting for a worker.
When a worker scales, a new instance of that worker is created. When a worker instance is no longer needed, it is automatically stopped.
You can configure the scaling behavior of a worker using these settings:
Property | Type | Required | Description |
scaleOutTaskCount | integer | Yes | The number of jobs waiting for the worker. Each scaleOutTaskCount delta will engage a new instance. |
minInstances | integer | Yes | The minimum number of instances (0-400) |
maxInstances | integer | Yes | The maximum number of instances (1-400) |
Keep the following items in mind:
- Taskurai billing works with the maximum number of instances (the total size of the configuration) defined in one month.
- The Azure resources created are charged like this:
- You aren't billed usage charges for the containers if your container app scales to zero.
- Instances that are running idle but remain in memory are billed at a lower "idle" rate.
- If you want to ensure that an instance of a worker is always running (for better response times), set the minimum number of instances to 1 or higher.
Consider the use case of your commands and whether concurrent execution of tasks is supported.
In the case your worker commands are calling services that are rate-limited, for example mailing services, consider the correct scaling setting for each worker.
Secret configuration
Each worker can contain secrets to be used in environment variables and the container registry password.
Secret properties:
Property | Type | Required | Description |
name | string | Yes | Secret name |
secretReference | string | No | Global secret reference (recommended) |
value | string | No | Secret value (not recommended) |
While it is technically possible to define a secret value directly in the worker configuration, it is highly recommended to use globally defined secrets in Taskurai and reference them in the worker.
- myglobalcontainerregistrypassword
- myglobalsecret
passwordSecretReference: containerregistrypassword
- name: containerregistrypassword
secretReference: myglobalcontainerregistrypassword
- name: mycontainersecret
secretReference: myglobalsecret
secretReference: mycontainersecret
value: myvalue
Notice that the global Taskurai secret can only be referenced in the container secret configuration. To use secrets within the container itself, the local secrets defined in the worker should be used.
Environment configuration
Environment variables can be set to be used in containers.
Environment variable properties:
Property | Type | Required | Description |
name | string | Yes | Variable name |
secretReference | string | No | Reference to a worker secret |
value | string | No | Variable value |
An environment variable can either be a plain text value or can reference a container secret.
- myglobalcontainerregistrypassword
- myglobalsecret
- name: mycontainersecret
secretReference: myglobalsecret
secretReference: mycontainersecret
value: myvalue
Command configuration
Each worker should have at least one command. A worker name must be unique in Taskurai and not be shared in different workers.
Command names are case-insensitive and should match the workers setup:
- testAction
- testAction2
Depending on your scenario, a worker can contain one or more commands.
It is recommended to balance the following principles:
- Single responsibility: Keep workers dedicated to a single task, separating concerns. When a command fails, the impact on the whole system is limited.
- Keep it simple: Workers should be designed to be simple to set up and easy to maintain.
- Fit for purpose: Keep workers small and fast for short-running tasks that are in high demand (sending emails, generating invoices, etc.). Long-running jobs (aggregating data, etc.) can be beefier.
- Shared resources: In some cases, it can be useful for a worker to contain multiple commands that share similar purposes, like sending notification emails of all kinds.
In short, don't design a new monolithic worker. Taskurai is designed to handle many workers at scale.
Cleanup configuration
For each worker, you can optionally configure the cleanup of completed tasks.
The configuration is done in seconds. Omit the setting to keep tasks forever:
cleanupCompletedTasksAfterSeconds: 2592000
Worker runtime configuration
- C#
Each worker can be configured using the appsettings.json
"Taskurai": {
"IsolationMode": false,
"WorkerName": "TestWorker",
"VisibilityTimeout": 300,
"MaxConcurrentTasks": 1
For local development, you should use the Development configuration file:
"Taskurai": {
"IsolationMode": true,
"WorkerName": "TestWorker",
"VisibilityTimeout": 300,
"MaxConcurrentTasks": 1
The following settings can be configured:
Property | Type | Required | Default | Description |
IsolationMode | boolean | No | false | Run the worker in isolation mode. This is recommended when developing locally |
WorkerName | string | Yes | The name of the worker | |
VisibilityTimeout | integer | No | 300 | The time in seconds the task is invisible to other instances of the worker (default 300, max 7 days) |
QueueReaderInterval | integer | No | -1 | The interval to retrieve new tasks from the queue (milliseconds), -1 for no delay (default -1). The delay happens between the time new tasks can be found and the next lookup operation. While there are still tasks available, this QueueReaderInterval delay is used |
QueueReaderIdleInterval | integer | No | 1000 | The interval to retrieve new tasks from the queue (milliseconds), -1 for no delay (default 1000 msec). The delay happens between the time no more new tasks can be found and the next lookup operation. While there are no new tasks available, the QueueReaderIdleInterval delay is used |
MaxConcurrentTasks | integer | No | 1 | The maximum number of concurrent tasks (default = 1) |
Handling Visibility Timeouts With Care
Visibility timeouts are crucial for managing long-running tasks. To ensure the system correctly interprets a task's status, it's essential to regularly extend the visibility timeout (See Visibility Timeout). This acts as a heartbeat signal, indicating the task is still active.
If a task's visibility timeout is exceeded without extension, the task will become available again for processing, potentially leading to concurrent execution.
Load leveling
Queue-based load leveling uses a buffer between tasks and services to smooth heavy workloads. This is especially beneficial for external downstream services vulnerable to failures during peaks or subject to rate limits.
It helps prevent additional costs by managing occasional spikes without requiring pricier plans.
The approach ensures system reliability, cost-effectiveness, and responsiveness to user demands.
How Taskurai provides load leveling
Taskurai implements load leveling on the level of a worker. Commands that have different load leveling requirements, should be organized in different workers.
Load leveling should be configured using a combination of:
- Maximum worker instances
- Maximum concurrent tasks per worker
- Scale out task count
- Queue reader interval (both in active and idle mode)
Load leveling configuration
The following example configures a worker to handle a rate limit of a downstream service of maximum 2 request / second (120 RPM), handled by maximum two workers.
The values is somewhat arbitrary and should be fine-tuned based on actual workload patterns, the processing time of tasks, and the behavior of the downstream service's rate limiting. Monitoring and adjusting based on real-world performance is crucial for optimal configuration.
- C#
Configure the number of maximum worker instances and queue reader intervals using the appsettings.json
"Taskurai": {
"MaxConcurrentTasks": 1, // Only allow one concurrent task
"QueueReaderInterval": 1000, // Only poll once a second for a new task (when actively receiving tasks from the queue)
"QueueReaderIdleInterval": 1000, // Only poll once a second for a new task (in idle mode, when no tasks are scheduled in the last polling request)
Next, configure the deployment configuration and specify the maximum number of instances for a worker:
scaleOutTaskCount: 15 # Scale out from 1 -> 2 instances when more than 15 tasks are queued
minInstances: 1 # Minimum one worker instance
maxInstances: 2 # Maximum two worker instances